The Dig leadership team.

We don’t work, we thrive.
Our Dig Thrive™ program helps our team grow their skills develop, explore ideas, get support and reach their potential. Nice.
We open the door.
We give newcomers a leg-up into the advertising industry.
Dig proudly supports fresh creative talent as part of the AWARD Ad School program. The program runs for 12 weeks, twice a year, where Dig’s Senior Creative Teams coach and mentor aspiring creatives.
Dig sponsors the Western Sydney Ad School, providing scholarships to indigenous students who ordinarily would not be able to access this education. It’s a wonderful way to broaden the intake into our industry.
Our team contributes to the wider education system, lecturing & mentoring at Melbourne’s leading universities RMIT & Melbourne University.
We give back.
Digging in for our community matters.
We volunteer as an agency at least two days each year, helping in the FareShare kitchens and donating time and money to causes that matter.
We take part in speed mentoring through AdCouncil, and our teams regularly volunteer to tutor on creative thinking for AWARD School.
Our team donates directly to causes they choose twice each year, like the Ukraine war effort, the Black Dog Institute and Support the Girls.
We’re all welcome.

Our voluntary, staff-run culture group ShinDigs fills our calendar with chances to learn, socialise and celebrate our proudly diverse culture.
We’ve also achieved pay equity by gender and ethnicity, and survey the team yearly on our progress representing age, disability, the LGBTQI+ community and more.

100% renewable energy and more.
We’re running entirely on renewable power, with a recycling program and office supplies sourced from environmentally preferred sources.

1,009 trees planted and growing.
We’re completely carbon neutral, offsetting the footprint of our office AND our staff’s daily commutes by planting over a thousand trees.